"WATCO is a group of Egyptian companies " ( WATCO, WATCOEGYPT, WATER TECHNOLOGY ) " specialized in the field of Reverse Osmosis (RO) desalination plants, Wells Drilling, Sewage treatment plants (STP) and pumping stations. WATCO group provide supply and installation, commissioning and startup, operation and maintenance (O&M) for its works. In addition WATCO group is an investor in RO plants."
We provide best solution for your business
Water is the source of life.
We need water for everyday living and for all sorts of purposes with different qualities.
Water consumption is increasing while the quantity available remains more or less constant. In concrete terms, an economical solution is required to treat water in such a way that we and our environment can live with.
WATCO as a competent, reliable and efficient partner will provide you with this solution
Mohamed Waddah